Breakout Session #1 (11:00-11:50)
SD State Library Resources for Knowledge and Understanding (Gallery D)
Scottie Bruch
Discover how the SD State Library supports librarians and other educators. In this session, you will learn about the many free resources that are available to aid in teaching including: the SDSL Electronic Resources, Professional Development Opportunities, Standards and Guidelines, Reading Resources, and more. You will also learn how to stay connected with the SD State Library to receive updates and learning resources on a regular basis.
Building Relationships with Tribes: A Native Process for Local Consultation Under ESSA (Gallery E)
Nakina Mills
The National Indian Education Association (NIEA) advances comprehensive, culture-based educational opportunities for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. NIEA promotes educational sovereignty, supports traditional knowledge and language use, and improves educational opportunities and results in our tribal communities. Our founding principles are 1) to bring Native educators together to explore ways to improve schools and the schooling of Native children; 2) to promote the maintenance and continued development of Native languages and cultures; and 3) to develop and implement strategies for influencing local, state, and federal policy and policymakers.
Description: This presentation will explore the essential steps and best practices for building meaningful relationships with tribal communities as part of the local consultation process under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Attendees will gain insights into the legal requirements of tribal consultation, the importance of cultural competence, and strategies for fostering ongoing, respectful dialogue with tribal representatives. Key resources and toolkits from leading organizations will be highlighted to support effective and inclusive consultation practices. Join us to learn how to create collaborative partnerships that honor tribal sovereignty and enhance educational outcomes for American Indian students.
Key Takeaways:
Understanding ESSA’s tribal consultation requirements
Best practices for respectful and reciprocal engagement
Importance of cultural competence in consultation
Resources and toolkits for effective consultation
Engaging Fathers: Enhancing Family-School Partnerships (Gallery F)
Keith Ferguson
In this session, we will delve into the crucial role of fathers in family engagement within schools and explore strategies to enhance their involvement to benefit students’ academic success and overall well-being. The presentation will conclude with a summary of key takeaways, actionable steps, and tools for enhancing father engagement in schools.
Attendees will be encouraged to participate in partner and group dialogue through collaboration to create a supportive and inclusive education.
OSEU Standards (Gallery G)
Brian Brown
Explore strategies for using the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings (OSEU) standards in your classroom, promoting a deeper understanding of Native American history and culture. This presentation will provide ideas to help you effectively incorporate these important standards into everyday teaching.
Breakout Session #2 (1:00-1:50)
Creating Culturally Safe Learning Spaces (Gallery D)
Dr. Scott Simpson & Sharla Steever
In this session, participants will experience elements of the tools Simpson and Steever have been using with educators across North Dakota to help with the development of Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Practices. Participants will gain familiarity with the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) and the Center for Courage & Renewal Circle of Trust and Touchstones. This interactive session will include time for some small and whole group conversations making application in participants’ schools, communities and situations.
Participants will explore how to adapt and implement these approaches in their own settings. (Session Resources: Indian Ed Summit 2024 Elementary Books and Resources Mendenhall)
Empowering Our Children & Youth… Healing Our Community (Gallery E)
Elfreda Cottier & Cindy Catches
Take a deep dive into a transformative wellness and prevention curriculum designed to:
• Foster a healthy cultural identity in our children (K-12 curriculum)
• Provide essential tools for overcoming generational trauma and giving our children the tools to break the cycle of addiction and how to create a life of health
• Create a path towards a brighter, healthier future
Our Culturally Based Approach: Rooted in traditional wisdom, this program bridges ancestral knowledge with contemporary challenges, preparing our children and youth for a balanced and purposeful life.
What You’ll Learn:
• A New Focus in Education: A Whole Body Approach – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental – A life of Wolakota – A life of balance; A Medicine Wheel Approach
• A look at the Teacher’s Manuals: The Oceti Sakowin & State Standard for each lesson
• Each lesson is matched with one of over 400 ancestor stories
• Brain Science: Learn techniques that help our children/youth move from a “survival brain” to a “learning brain”
• Each lesson starts with a Health & Wellness Practice: Experience trauma-healing practices proven effective in schools nationwide
Interactive Training: Immerse yourself in this unique culturally based life skills curriculum through hands-on experience with lessons and teacher manuals.
Join Us in Making a Difference: This workshop is helping to address the crisis that so many of our children are experiencing while charting a course for communal healing and growth.
CTE Infancy, Baby Steps to Adulthood (Gallery F)
Brian Sieh
The St. Francis Indian School is in its 2nd full semester of having a CTE High School within their regular high school. The success of the CTE school now name Sicangu Technical High School have shown quality results. The school has also doubled in size from January 2024 to the Fall of 2024 as decisions are made based on student need and staff continue to learn and grow. The high school has developed and came to fruition in short order but not without obstacles, which will be discussed. The teamwork with outside entities is also instrumental to the success of the programming as the school has developed Memorandum of Understanding with outside entities creating a team approach to success just as the school has a team approach to student success.
Native American Books/Resources for Lower Elementary Grades (Gallery G)
Marilyn Mendenhall
Discover a selection of books and resources designed to engage lower elementary students while fostering cultural understanding. This presentation will highlight age-appropriate materials that celebrate Native American heritage and traditions, enriching your classroom’s literary and cultural content.
Breakout Session #3 (2:00-2:50)
Cultivating Indigenous Research Communities and Leadership in Education & STEM Alliance: An opportunity for educators to develop culturally relevant STEM resources (Gallery D)
Stephanie Higdon
Join members of the Cultivating Indigenous Research Communities for Leadership in Education and STEM (CIRCLES) Alliance to learn the progress of the goals and objectives aligned to South Dakota. The Alliance endeavors to facilitate discussions with educators and communities about culturally relevant STEM activities and to deliver teacher professional development to support educators in effective, equitable STEM teaching with connections to Indigenous STEM. Participants will engage in dialogue in upcoming opportunities to develop culturally, place relevant curriculum to spark curiosity from their students in STEM disciplines.
The CIRCLES Alliance is funded by a National Science Foundation INCLUDES grant. The CIRCLES project is an Alliance of six states working in collaboration to address the underrepresentation of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) students within science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines and the STEM workforce by collectively engaging Tribal communities through conversation, relationship building, and collaboration. Relationships and efforts within the CIRCLES Alliance are guided by an Indigenous framework centered on the 7Rs- Respect, Responsibility, Relationships, Relevance, Representation, Reciprocity and Resilience.
Native American Studies Resource from SDPB (Gallery E)
Steven Rokusek
During this session, participants will learn about SDPB’s Native American Studies resources. SDPB provides educational content like the Tatanka: A Way of Life Lesson Plan, winter count activity ideas, and documentaries like Lost Bird of Wounded Knee. (Link to Resources)
Creating Belonging with Student Voice (Gallery F)
Dr. Peg Diekhoff
See how two school districts have chosen to make student voice integral to creating change in their schools. Through the use of focus groups, students are given the space to share honest reflections regarding their school experiences. Hear from students and administrators via recorded interviews, how this process has created a sense of student ownership and belonging. Supported through qualitative and quantitative data, see how stronger partnerships with school staff have been created.
Navigating AI in Education: Balancing Innovation with Cultural Considerations (Gallery G)
Dr. Julie Mathiesen
This session explores the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its specific implications for education and culture. Starting with an introduction to AI—what it is and how it works—we’ll dive into why it’s critical for educators and people concerned about cultural identity, to be aware of how AI gathers and synthesizes information. AI offers powerful tools for learning, but it can also pose challenges by unintentionally blending cultural knowledge and customs that should remain distinct. Attendees will leave with insights and resources to help educational leaders and community members make informed decisions as AI continues to shape our future.
Breakout Session #4 (3:30-4:20)
DEA - Drug Awareness (Gallery D)
Amanda Frazier
Presentation on current drug trends and resources DEA has available for education.
Dissolving the long-term effects of Boarding School in your classroom (Gallery E)
James Cadwell
James will share statistics of the history of Boarding schools in Indian Country. his presentation will share the facts that over 70,000 Native Children were institutionalize during the boarding school era. How the removal of cultural identity continues today. He will give information about what can be done to change the outcome of your students that still feel histories negative effects. He will identify ways of incorporating culture into your classroom K-12. He will also help you incorporate those cultural values into your State Standards.
DISC - Communicating and Understanding Your Team (Gallery F)
Dr. Peg Diekhoff
The DISC model provides a way of understanding how people interact with the world around them. There is no one size fits all personality, and the DISC personality styles help to understand that there isn’t just one type of person out there – everyone has different ways in which they operate based on their preferences. DISC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.
Hands On! Education Suitcase Kits (Gallery G)
Ronette Rumpca
The South Dakota State Historical Society Museum offers suitcase education kits to classrooms, after school groups and summer school groups. Fourteen kits are currently available. All kits include hands-on objects, worksheets, and activities. Participants will learn how the kits are developed and see the kit objects and activities.